Port of Texas City

The Port of Texas City is the 15th largest port in the United States and the 4th largest in Texas. With waterborne tonnage exceeding 40 million net tons annually, the Port is the 10th largest port in the Gulf of Mexico and provides dockside and rail services to worldwide leaders in the petrochemical industry.

On annual basis, more than 1,000 deep draft vessels and 4,150 inland barges call on the Port of Texas City and with its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, transit time to the Gulf of Mexico is approximately an hour and a half to two hours.  Within the Port of Texas City complex, there are 35 berths and two barge fleeting areas.   With over 100 years of being in operation, the Port of Texas City recognizes the importance of seamless intermodal transport and through its rail switching terminal and operations, Texas City Terminal Railway Company, connections are available to two Class 1 railroads – the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe.


Source:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Navigation Data Center’s 2018 Statistical Data

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